Let us find your ancestors!
In the years of our existence, we have transcribed quite some documents. Some of them evolved into more widely usable collections or small books even. Other files are just images of indexes to judicial and notary records made in the 18th century, without transcription. On these pages, we make them available to all of you.
Province of Overijssel
- Verponding (tax register) of Haaksbergen, 1720.
- Verponding (tax register) of the hamlets belonging to Haaksbergen, about 1720.
Province of Groningen
- Church books of Losdorp (pdf).
- Priests of Losdorp (1595-1811).
- Texts from grave stones collected by Feith et al., not covered by the book "Groninger Gedenkwaardigheden" (1977) by A. Pathuis (pdf).
- Roman Catholic Baptisms of Kleinemeer, Groningen (pdf).
Region of Ostfriesland (Germany)
Province of Noord-Holland
Old Judicial Archives (ORA) of Schermeer
Old Judicial Archives (ORA) of Schermeer
- inv. nr. 6352: land deeds 1732-1750 (images of the index in the back of the book)
- inv. nr. 6353: land deeds 1757-1773 (images of the index in the back of the book)
- inv. nr. 6357: mortgages 1635-1669 (images of the index in the back of the book)
- inv. nr. 6358: mortgages 1667-1767 (images of the index in the back of the book)
Old Notary Archives (ONA) of Zuid- en Noordschermer 65.3.008
- inv. nr. 6570A: records by notary Klaas Renses 1765-1781 (images of the index in the back of the book)